
Birthdays - Runcorn Minibus

Planning to celebrate a birthday in Runcorn? We believe that we are in a position to make the birthday even merrier by providing ample transportation for you and your guests. When commemorating an important day such as your birthday, it's vital that every aspect of the party runs smoothly. That's where we, Runcorn Minibus come in, to provide you with luxurious vehicles for hire on your birthday.

Runcorn Minibus have an extensive range of ‘party vehicles’ that you and your friends will have a lot of fun riding in. Also, all our vehicles are well-fitted with high-tech features like voice-command entertainment, reclining seats, carpeted floors and wheelchair ramps. Make an outstanding mark on your next birthday by pampering your friends and family to a classy and elegant ride.

Our chauffeurs are highly trained and qualified to take care of you and your party, whether it's during the day or at night. We are here to make sure that everyone is picked on time and safely, driven to the venue. If you would like to go to another venue for food or more partying, our chauffeurs will take care of you. With us, no one and no items will get lost.

Contact Details

3, High Street, Runcorn, WA7 1AP

01928 444003

Mon to Sun :24 hours